
Welcome to my website.

I have the pleasure to show some of my drawings.

For a long time, I had been just happy to have created my drawings, but never really considered showing them to my family or to my friends, just thinking they would have – someday - some opportunities to see them. Time went by, drawings added one to another, and mostly remained stored inside a box.

Recently, I discovered with great pleasure a fellow illustrator’s website, and I thought :
« … I now also need to go ahead with that ! »





I illustrated the novel « Ceux de 14 » by Maurice Genevoix for the hundredth anniversary of World War I.

Ceux de 14, de M. Genevoix


I illustrated « Vol de nuit » written by Saint Exupéry – printed & edited by Gallimard/Futuropolis. Here are 38 drawings out of the 85 illustrating this book. Shown in such a way on a computer screen, they reveal all this brightness that I wished to bring in. While unfortunately once printed onto the book paper, they became dark and dull.

Vol de nuit, de St Exupery Vol de nuit, de St Exupery Vol de nuit, de St Exupery Vol de nuit, de St Exupery


I have started to illustrate these three books that I particularly like…

« Captains courageous »
by Rudyard Kipling
« Le Grand Troupeau »
by Jean Giono
Capitaines courageux, de R. Kipling Le grand troupeau, de J. Giono


I also show two Comics books, which are currently under creation.

Nuits d'hiver « Winter nights »
I wrote the scenario of this spy thriller, which takes place during the French campaign in 1814.
La tranchée des Irish guards « the Irish Guards trench »
A story which takes place in 1916 in the Somme trenches. I wrote it from a short novel by Kipling.


Finally, you will find here many drawings & preliminary sketches from these various projects.

Esquisses et dessins Esquisses et dessins Esquisses et dessins


Bernard Puchulu